Our adventure started out Thursday morning The 21st of August. As always it is a whirl wind of activities to "get it all together" before heading to the airport. This time was no different. Wed night was a lot of fun with the office staff and friends at the D backs game. After the game it took until midnight to get packed and ready. 3:00 am came early and irritating kinda like the sand paper in my eyes. My eyes are very sensitive to lack of sleep. Thank goodness for my new blue eye spray drops. Just ask Kim from the office!
After spending 2 hours on the runway in Phoenix we were off to the races. When we landed in Huoston we sat for 30 minutes on the runway waiting for a gate. Our connection to Honolulu was due to leave in 5 minutes. We had to run and caught our connection with a minute to spare. The next plane was a 2 3 2 seater. It was unbelievably packed. 7 and a half hours later we were in Honolulu and headed for Wikiki beach. It is now 7:30pm Arizona time. Wikiki is a cross between SanFrancisco and the beach. I couldn't believe how crowded it was. Tawna would have been proud of us as we went to Cheesecake Factory for dinner. Because of our flight delay we only had a small amount of airplane yucky food, so we were starving! Yes I got the double bacon cheese burger, and Rhonda got her usual Baja Chicken tacos.
We stayed right on the beach and got to sleep at 1:00 am Arizona time. Our next flight was at 6:00 am. When they printed out our boarding passes there were 5 of them?! What was up with that. Then I realized we had 4 stops at tiny islands before reaching Truk. Ouch! Luckily our first 5 hour leg we were in the exit row. Uneventful! Right before we landed in Majuro we crossed the international Date line. So now it was Sat Morning Friday Evening in Arizona! Confused yet? Me too! So we were 3 hours ahead of Honolulu but the next day. wierd...
As we descended to Majuro we could only see a tiny island with the most narrow landing strip I have ever seen. Uneventful landing. On the runway looking to the right you could see water, looking to the left you could see yep water. The runway was several hundred yards wide with water on both sides! Amazing!
The next flight we crossed another time zone change and landed at a U.S. military base called Kwajalein. No pictures and de-boarding were allowed?! The next flight 45 minutes long was to Pohnpei. This Island was lush green and very tropical with huge Volcanic mountains. It reminded me a lot of the landscape of Lost the TV show, or Kuawii. Oh yeah we crossed another time zone. Well, needless to say we finally made it in Truk at 4:00 Sat afternoon or 11:00 pm Friday night Arizona time. Crazy! On the way to the Blue Lagoon Hotel we stopped at a grocery store and ran into the Elders. Rhonda freaked out and really enjoyed the visit. it was really nice as we have been missing Steven lately. The Blue lagoon is Awesome. Not the greatest rooms but very comfortable. A/C but a view to die for. The Lagoon is right outside our balcony. Well, I will have to post more later. To see pictures so far visit www.me.com/gallery/#10019 enjoy and send us a reply or comment It's Tuesday Morning...
We were just laughing about the eye drops today. I saw that you took the refill. Sound like you and Rhonda are having a great time!! Can't wait to hear all about it. Don't worry the office is still here
Wow, you guys sure chalked up a lot of air time! I tried to view you pictures but I needed a member name and password?
Whew! Glad you brought those eye drops along, the whole trip might have been a bust. I'll bet they're great for getting the seaweed out too!
We miss you already, I won't tell you to have a good time, I know you will.
Glad you made it across the world. Can't wait to hear more about your adventures. We miss you. Getting rain tonight. 78* outside. Its a nice change for us. Have fun.
Sorry I gave everyone the wrong address for the pics. http://gallery.me.com/stevenlfrost enjoy the pics and I will have more up tonight! Great diving today! Sharks tanks airplanes trucks ect... enjoy! Steve
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